I bought a new computer, an apple. I feel like I have gone to the other side, the side with the groovy 'design concepts' and the perky 'geniuses' in their blue shirts in the apple store, yuck. But I gave them my pc and it has all my poems on it and I sorta backed them up, mostly and they are supposed to transfer all my stuff to the apple laptop and it will be all pretty and appley and shit.
I just finished reading The Sun, which I read from cover to cover every month. I love The Sun, I love the black and white photos, I love the interviews with doom makers, I love the depressing short stories. My goal is to be published in The Sun. I am thinking about sending flowers and candy, maybe that would work. Or a stripper-gram, that might get their attention. This month, the interview is with a mushroom expert guy, honest. The whole earth will be cured by fungi and slime mold eating petrochemicals and slag heaps (what are slag heaps anyway? like when they remodel a 60's house and take out the carpet, no that would be shag heaps). And mushrooms are intelligent, they 'communicate' with each other and they scrub the air and so on. Ok, the guy did do some psilocybin during his research, didn't we all? And there are like about a million kinds and we don't even know what most of them are up to.
slime molds are pretty much what put me off botany. I'd say chocolate truffles would be a good idea. and I hear they're easy to make and since nobody knows this The Sun people would be knocked the f(*& out - also by your poems.
what about a stripper dressed like a chocolate truffle? Hey there Sy Safransky,what do you say, irresistible, eh?
Oh god, the Apple.
The first time I had to use one in my film editing class I wanted to cry and run out of the room because I couldn't figure out how to right click.
don't tell me this. My apple is sitting right here in her little box all white and shiny so Steve Jobs-y. I'm scared I will screw up and have to go to the store and talk to a genius and be exposed as AN IDIOT, which is what I am. Crap.
Apple - the True Faith. You won't look back. (This coming courtesy of a much-loved Power Book laptop.
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