Thursday, July 09, 2020

On the heels of Ms Moon's story about yelling at someone in the grocery store, I was at my nearby park where I walk Felix if it's not too crowded. There are giant signs everywhere that the park is only for pedestrians now, NO BIKES. As I was leaving the park to go to my car, a young woman cruised up to the entrance on her bike and I yelled out, "No bikes, pedestrians only!" She looked around and got off her bike and went into the park wheeling her bike. I turned around to watch her, she saw me and  said, "I 'm just going in to look at the lake" in an aggrieved kind of way.


There are MILES of waterfront along Lake Washington where one can 'look at the lake'. The lake is 27 miles long, fer fucks' sake.

Not to mention about 1/2 the people walking along were not wearing masks, not even hanging from their ears or around their necks. We're not Florida or Arizona but jeezus.

People say they 'can't breathe'. George Floyd couldn't breathe. You there, you can breathe with a mask on. Get over it.

I was so het up, I had to call Justine, our office manager to rant and rave. She is good for that kind of thing. Then we talked about Trump refusing federal aid to Washington because our governor is saying no school in the fall except on-line. What an asshole.

Our gov basically said, screw him.

How did we get here? I still haven't adjusted. I hope I never do.

This weekend is the last class in the series:

Peace out, y'all.


Ms. Moon said...

My temper is getting shorter by the second. Everyone thinks that they're
a. Immune
b. immortal
c. Not required to follow the rules.

I'm sorry. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and peaceful is something I'm going to have to strive for mightily for the rest of the day.
Good for you for speaking up. I love you.

Linda Sue said...

I LOVE Our Governor, he won't back down, held his own in Eastern Wa. The federal gov is only about 10% of the $ that schools receive, not entirely generous or caring about education, it is clear that the orange thing just wants parents to get the economy machine running- November - right around the corner, yet so much damage may still occur in between now and then.

Elizabeth said...

Every day brings a new sense of shock at the man purportedly leading us. Sigh. I'm not going to get un-shocked or cynical.

Remind me again -- what type of dog is Felix? I'm craving a dog for some reason. I need a non-allergenic breed.

beth coyote said...

Elizabeth! Felix is a poodle (not a doodle-don't be fooled, they aren't always hypo-allergenic). He doesn't shed but poodles need grooming and it ain't cheap. However having had a shedding dog, it's awful nice to have one that doesn't.

Poodles are super smart and funny. Be sure to get a submissive dog, the dominant ones are, well, dominant. So they're harder to control.

Good luck. I have all kinds of unsolicited advise so hit me up if you want any other tidbits.

37paddington said...

Is this real life? Sadly, it is.

Elizabeth said...

Beth! I don't know if you remember, but we had a standard poodle named Valentine for over 14 years! She died two years ago. I'd love another poodle and think I might start looking for one. Felix seems awesome!

beth coyote said...

Elizabeth-Felix is a hoot when he's not randomly barking and giving me a heart attack. We do go everywhere together. He's my buddy and boy I'm glad I have him right now...