Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Dear friends-

It has been a rough week. Today feeling better, some better. The sorrow of the world bears down. We are in this together, of that I am sure. And all I know is to love family, friends and strangers alike. Especially the strangers, the most desperate among us. I can't call those that pull the trigger monster. They are someone's child, baby, relative. I recently read that adolescent gunmen are suicidal and wanting to die. They just take others with them and cause untold suffering. But deranged? Sure. But they are someone's kid too.  If we can find a label, then we've 'solved' the problem, contained. That's not how it works. 

We're in a world out of balance. Guns ARE the problem. When will it end? When? And how do we continue to love the world anyway we can? 


Ms. Moon said...

How do we continue to love the world? We love each other the best we can and we love all the nature we can see and we plant seeds and we do remember that yes, everybody was somebody's baby and we look at the sky in wonder.
I guess. I guess that's what we do.
Guns are the problem.

am said...

How? Maybe that is a koan. I'm going to wait and see.

Grateful for your thoughts, your questions, your presence -- loving and being loved.

Haddock said...

Totally agree with you. Guns ARE the problem.