Sunday, March 17, 2019

Now and again, when the news is particularly bad, I find myself weeping. Christchurch, New Zealand-I think we can only stand so much before the grief, disbelief and sorrow spills over. A friend and I saw a movie 'Capernaum' tonight, filmed in Lebanon with astonishing 'actors' especially a child. But the poverty, brutality and despair were wrenching.

She turned to me and said that she can't see movies like this one, at all. So we made a deal-only comedies, light hearted dramas and beauty. Like Mary's chickens. Then we had drinks and warm chocolate chip cookies.

Still broken-hearted. Still on the verge of tears. The challenge to stay open and soft in the reality of the harshest incidents. Not to harbor revenge fantasies, or hatred and anger. Our collective shadow is rampant in the land.

At dawn, the humming birds come and sit on the back porch. The sky, streaked with pink and gold, behind the songbirds at the feeders. Such a small act, to keep those wild creatures fed. In service to their lives, the continuation of their feathery lives.


am said...

"Such a small act, to keep those wild creatures fed. In service to their lives, the continuation of their feathery lives."

Thank you, beth coyote. During this overwhelming heart-breaking week, a dynamic balance to what we bring to the birds and what they in turn bring to us.

Ms. Moon said...

I just had a weekend that absolutely reminded me of how powerful love is. I wish you could have one of those soon. Filled with music and shared food and so many hugs and kisses that it was like honey everywhere you turned.
My soul feels a thousand times better.

My life so far said...

The world is too much sometimes, for me too.

37paddington said...

I don't harbor revenge fantasies because they are exhausting. I try not to stay bitter about things in the news. Sometimes it feels like denial or escapism, when I take a break from thinking about it all. Sometimes, like this week, taking a break is impossible. But New Zealand's prime minister, her compassion and moral courage, gives me hope.

Sabine said...

Yes, love but also checking our own echo chambers from time to time, eradicating all assumptions and sweeping statements so that we relearn to clearly look into each other's eyes. With respect.