We're supposed to get another foot of snow so we better get dog/cat food and people food for the duration. And freezing weather. The poor hummingbirds. Their feeder keeps freezing.
A kindly neighbor left me some instant hand warmers on my windshield.
Speaking of windshield, there was ice on the INSIDE of the window after I got all the ice off the outside of the car.
At least I'm at work. The topic here is the situation of someone who goes into labor during the, uh, armageddon storm. I have chains but scary hills to traverse and a wee light car. As someone who grew up in deep upstate New York winters, I have a healthy respect for bad weather, which most of my fellow citizens don't understand. It's nothing to fuck with.
I've spun on ice, I've been overturned on highways and I've front ended trees. Ice is not even for walking really. And I'm a good careful driver. Folks around here don't get the hills, the cold and what their cars are able to do realistically.
Therefore, we are praying to the birth goddess that she don't stir any pots until we're out of the weather, literally. Otherwise, we're sending ladies to the hospital in an ambulance (at least they have chains).
And it will give me another week to cough in the privacy of my living room and establish that I have exhausted all Netflix and Amazon Prime that was even slightly decent and I'm down to watching questionable series or listening to Dharma talks I've already heard.
Oh, and the cat pooped in the shower. I have been so neglectful in my illness.
This is how it begins. Lordy.
When Jessie's sister-in-law went into labor with her first child they were having a huge snow storm. This is in North Carolina. And the sister-in-law lives WAY up a mountain that I would not drive up in summer. So, the midwives, who lived in town, did not make the birth. Luckily, her mother had had her two babies at home and thus, had more than a clue about how to proceed and she caught that baby fine.
I love that story.
But yes, in your case? Too dangerous for y'all to try to drive in this.
I'm so sorry you're still sick. I still don't feel great. WTF?
At least my cat hasn't pooped in the shower. That would have sent me right over the edge.
My thoughts are with you, and I hope the snow chaos passed by you. And also that the birth goddess was kind to all concerned.
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