Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Off on another retreat, this time in Nanaimo, BC. Back in a week. James and I dug in the dirt today, became regular mud balls. After visiting the plant nursery, we retired to eat lentil soup and drink tea. Because it is effing freezing and wet and cold, I even turned on the heat. In June. Sometimes Seattle weather defies description. Nasty. Miserable. Intolerable. I turned the heat on June 20th. Gawd. It doesn't rain for 24 hours and I think I have to water. Because the plants are ALWAYS WET. We have a type of madness in the Northwest. It has no name. We know when we are afflicted. It involves muttering and substance abuse and/or an unusual preoccupation with food. Notice next when you are in the bank and the person in front of you is mumbling and snarling. If they also have secreted away bulky groceries under their raincoat, you know you are in the presence of lunacy caused by perma-sodden shoes, coats, hair etc. It's very sad.
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Once again, I'm leaving for a week into silence which I tried to do today to no avail. So I'll go to Nanaimo BC where the cell gods can't find me and I'll turn off all electronic devices which fuck with the navigational instruments so we get to NeverNeverLand on time and speaking of MJ, surely one of the great freak shows of all time, I recently watched This Is It, a film of his doomed final show/extravaganza with all singing/dancing/acrobats/fireworks etc and it was magnificent I would have gone to see it/him sing and dance so I went back and watched the old videos from Thriller and Billie Jean and Michael was beautiful and sleek and altogether a brilliant and messed up human. Even if his nose at the end looked like a small horn.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
the tragedy
what about the girl who threw herself down the stairs
to get the baby out
she’s been bleeding for 2 weeks
a long time to bleed in a poor country where there isn’t enough food
only rice and everyone is living in plastic tarps
hurricane season is coming
so the baby is a real inconvenience
I mean the baby can’t be a real person
it’s to be got rid of
it’s already hungry and it can’t be born hungry
the girl is tall and graceful
in the way island women are graceful
they have air under their feet
even in the lacerated streets
they float
they glide in their golden shoes
babies are a nuisance
they need milk and fish and mangos
there is no milk
no fish
no mangos
at least not for free
all the girl has is for free
she has one dress and three brothers and the dead
all around her
buried under the mountains made of concrete
they once called it Port au Prince
now they call it a graveyard
the death city
where the dead walk
looking for their bones
waiting for their bones to be found
liberated from what has crushed them
dumb bones
waiting for the dump trucks and the street crews
with their shovels to move the mountains
where everyone lives now
the dead are thick with their demands
still the girl bleeds
quick choose what to save
here in the charnel grounds
there is no time to sleep
Monday, June 14, 2010
Today I'm ready for further punishment. Kayaking is great fun. You should try it. I recommend wine, ibuprofen and a whole pizza after. And a bath. And a lie down for about 12 hours.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Monday, June 07, 2010
Sunday, June 06, 2010
Friday, June 04, 2010
step off the plane into wet blanket slap 100 degrees 98% humidity you remember this from years before tho the air is thick with stench diesel charcoal fires burning plastic at least no corpse smell it’s been too long in the heat bodies are bones now buried in the mountains of rubble once a city capitol building leaning crazily like melting ice cream cones however you press into the airport swirl with sweat slicking your feet your hands saltsting in your eyes obscuring the agitated crowd of Haitian men jostling for attention your attention carry your bags for a few US dollars your passport is under your shirt your money belt buried in your backpack you can’t breathe Creole rushing past you so many faces and eyes you came to offer what exactly the crowd is a living moving animal swaying in the heat you can feel the desperation the empty bellies and the crush made of grief anger pride and something feral

Cate Blanchett as Bob Dylan in I'm Not There. Holy Cow. Effing genius. I just realized something, watching this movie---I loved Bob Dylan. He was the first poet I loved. My father would not allow me to listen to his records so I'd get up in the middle of the night, creep downstairs and put his records on the turntable, press my ear to the speaker on real low and sing along. I memorized his songs. When I hear them now, I remember the words, like they're burned into my skin, on the backs of my hands. He got me out of that house, that stifling house, hypocritical, pretend family house. Bob Dylan opened up the world, the world I wanted to find out about. Skinny guy with hair, a terrible/beautiful voice and poetry. Look out kid, it's something you did...