Monday, June 22, 2020


Capitol Hill Occupied Protest.

Back at home, the eternal cycling of grief, rage, sorrow, moments of beauty (what else are humming birds for?) fatigue. John Stewart reminding us that our discomfort with wearing masks (!!!) for the last few months is nothing compared to 400 years.

Taking the White Awake course again. There were over 500 people on the course. Sunday afternoon for a few hours for four weeks.

The forest this morning was extraordinary. Balm.


am said...

"... We are words not quickly spoken
We're the deeper side of try..."

Thank you.

Elizabeth said...

My god -- the forest and those circles of light!

Ms. Moon said...

It occurs to me that the people (you) who take that class are not the ones who need it most. Oh well. If five out of five hundred come out of it changed then it's done it's job.
That forest. Oh, Beth!

Bohemian said...

I often think the people who most need the enlightenment classes would not sign up for them, which is a shame. Even if they did, I suspect they'd argue with the content so as to try to justify their own stance? I know when I'm trying to discuss the weighty subjects of life with those who desperately need to enter into the dialogue, they really don't listen. Some people only hear what they want to hear and not necessarily what they need to hear. I think there are enough good people to make positive changes, but it's going to be a tough row to hoe with the resistance from those who oppose change or are okay with what is negative and awful. I watched an interesting documentary on Why people Hate, it was fascinating and gave some insight into Human Nature. Especially the Herd Mentality and why Extremists exist and find twisted Purpose in what they do and say, as if they fully Believe what they have become is a good thing or a necessary thing.