Saturday, May 16, 2020

My tenant is  crying, sobbing really.

She's not asking for help but it's hard not to respond to her. She's lost her job. Her relationship has ended. Listening to her, I hear the cries of the world, all of us in isolation and fear.

My friend Teresa and I are in the midst of our on-line childbirth class, focusing on mindfulness. Teresa's background is in secular mindfulness, mine is, well, on the wisdom of the Buddha. As we teach our students to begin to embrace the present moment, I send love and kindness to my tenant. May she find her way out of her suffering. May she be held and healed.

May we all be filled with the light of lovingkindness and know the grace of compassion.


we've got nothing
our bucket is empty
crows fly south every evening
over Beacon Hill

time rolling on
while we mutter
behind our masks

tulips give way to lilacs
then rhodys then stargazers
in other years
we're too busy to notice

but now
it's a shock to wake up
one more morning
no cough
headache or heat

just the cat on the pillow
dog by the back door
amazement that we're still



am said...

Thank you for your presence, your witnessing and your poem. Jusr finished re-reading Unattended Sorrow, by Stephen Levine. Lovingkindness. Compassion.

Elizabeth said...

I have a tenant, too, and she's lost her job and can't pay rent. I'm at a loss as I depend on the income to pay my mortgage. What to do?

Ms. Moon said...

Oh, your poor tenant.
Yes. Alive. Here we are.
Steady on?

Bohemian said...

An excellent Post. I Wish your Tenant the Peace during her Life's Storm and a way out. In these chaotic times so many are suffering.

beth coyote said...

AM-Love that book, used it in my grief and loss class for student midwives.
Elizabeth-Yep, me too. I lowered her rent but sheesh, how long can I do that?