Friday, April 17, 2020

I got a delivery of groceries from my favorite coop and I swooned with delight. Boy howdy, it doesn't take much, does it. I got soy ice cream and this vegan sandwich they make and raspberries and a mango and peapods and mushrooms. I ordered everything and it was on my doorstep 20 minutes later.

I've taken to listening to Andrew Cuomo's press talks. He did the usual this morning and then he talked about his personal experience with his children during the pandemic. He said he's had more in depth conversations with his daughters than he has had in years. He promises to have coffee with his mother and then he would call to say he was too busy. But now he realizes that time in fleeting and he needs to pay attention to what is important, his children, his mother. It had me tear up a bit. I called at least one kid after listening to him. My world has gotten so small and so large at the same time.

While sitting in the sun today just enjoying my garden, I noticed a male and female hummingbird, twirling and circling one another in the branches of the elderberry tree just above me. They are so small and so present in my garden. I'm vigilant with their feeder, making sure it's always filled. During the snow storm last year, I'd bring the feeder in at night so it wouldn't freeze and put it out in the early morning. Often there was a wee bird waiting for me at first light.

My hair is growing straight down my face. My bangs will be in my mouth soon. I've taken to giving Felix a man bun
You can't tell from his photo but he has a terrible haircut and a man bun and he has no vanity about it. We go out every day to walk the miles that keep us sane. The weather has been glorious. My older child sent me a video of her and Arty walking on the shore in Marin. (sigh). Boy, would I love that. I do go to the lake occasionally but the park is too crowded.

I've stepped down from the board I was elected to last year. We've met three times and after the last BOD meeting, I knew it was time to leave. Many reasons which I won't go into but it was a bad situation which I don't need now or ever. There are things that are so clear now. How do we spend our time? What's important? Being at odds over issues of anti-racism and bearing the brunt of ageism and sexism. Nah, I'll pass.

Eden, my foodie daughter, admitted that she had a fish sandwich and fries from Mcdonald's. Trust me, I've been thinking about fries. I might have to go there to get some. I know. I figured out how to make them  in the oven but it's just not the same.

Well, the end of another weird day. I did this:

Only 80 more to go.

Love and hugs


My life so far said...

You did an amazing job on those masks. Strange times. I'm glad you're staying well.

37paddington said...

Bless you, Beth. Your energy, which is love, is what our world needs.

Ms. Moon said...

Felix is gorgeous. I do love a man bun.
When I was sixteen and had my second job working at McDonalds, every day for my lunch I bought a fish sandwich, a root beer, and a hot apple pie.
We had to pay full price for our food, by the way.
Anyway, I sometimes get a huge craving for that lunch. Only now, yes, I would get french fries too.

Elizabeth said...

Felix made me giggle with his man bun. He looks just like our dog Valentine who died nearly two years ago. I want another poodle.